This is Paul talking to Timothy, his son in Christ, encouraging him to be bold and share Christ without fear.
In a conversation with God I had recently, I asked Him, "What do you want to say to me?" and His reply was, "Too timid; stand strong. I am more.... I am not powerless. I am not timid. Want to be like me? Speak out using what I have given you and be the bold, mighty woman of God I have made you to be."
In those first two words, "too timid," I broke down--I broke down because I knew He was right. Not condemning, just truth.
And as I look at this passage in 2 Timothy, I see that it lines up very closely with my conversation with God, but what I heard was personalized just for me, just how I needed to hear it. God is NOT powerless nor timid, and His desire is for us to draw on His power to share our faith in Christ with boldness, share what Jesus has done to change our lives, what He can do for those who do not know him.
You don't have to be a Bible scholar or travelling evangelist to share your faith--all you need is a relationship with Jesus and a willing spirit to go wherever, do whatever and and say whatever He calls you to. You, sister, are a mighty woman of God! I encourage you today to take the first step and ask Him, "What do you want to say to me?" and be ready to listen.
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