I just love how when God sends a heavenly messenger to someone in the Bible, He always starts off with "Don't be afraid." Even when Jesus appeared to the disciples after the resurrection, he started off saying, "Peace be with you."
Our Father knows us very well; any time the unexpected arises, it catches us off guard and we tend to lose our peace and panic-mode sets in. The messenger must first calm the person down, reassuring them that God is in control, and then he can go on with the rest of his message.
This verse in Daniel is especially for you today if you are struggling with fear, anxiety or operating in panic-mode:
"'Don't be afraid,' he said, 'for you are deeply loved by God. Be at peace; take heart and be strong!'" (Daniel 10:19)
The reason you can choose to be at peace, take heart and be strong today is because "you are deeply loved by God." He's got it all under control and has your best interest at heart. He has already given you courage and strength; you only have to take it! May the peace of God be with you today!
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