Television. Money. Success. Work. Sports. Food. Shopping. Possessions. A Man.
These can all be considered idols of the post-modern age. We no longer carve or form statues of animals as idols we depend on to fulfill our needs. Instead, our idols today are much more insidious--they become our idols without us placing them on the mantle and bowing down to them.
An idol is anything we go to in order to meet our needs that is not the Almighty, all-sufficient God. Here's what He says about it in Leviticus 19:4:
"Do not put your trust in idols or make gods of metal for yourselves. I, the Lord, am your God."
Going back to the ten commandments again, we see more detail, "Do not worship any other gods besides me. Do not make idols of any kind, whether in the shape of birds or animals or fish. You must never worship or bow down to them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not share your affection with any other god!" (Exodus 20:3-5a)
Idolatry shows what our heart is focused on, what we turn to when we're empty, lonely, financially or spiritually broke, or just plain bored. If we turn to anything but God we are dividing our affection for Him and going after something else that cannot truly satisfy our needs. Our loving Father wants to protect us from the inevitable disappointment and disillusionment of going after these false gods. The one thing He's after is our heart, and He will never let you down if you seek Him to satisfy all your needs.
Today, precious sister, I encourage you to examine your life, your habits, your choices--ask the Lord to reveal any idols you may have set up in your heart and determine to cast them down with the help of the Holy Spirit living in you.
by Wendie Beddingfield
pictures by Stella Levi, Michal Zacharzewski, D. Sharon Pruitt, leonardini