Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dear sweet sisters,

It's been two and a half years since I took on the challenge of leading the ministry of the Women of Hope at New Hope, and it's been a wild ride!
I have to admit that I came into it asking God to make me "want to" lead this ministry because I was very happy and content to just lead a Bible study a couple times a year and maybe begin teaching.  Thankfully, God is true to His promises and gives us everything we need to do the very thing He calls us to walk out, and He gave me a great passion for leading this ministry and reaching out to many of you along the way.  I've made some very awesome friends and I believe this ministry has helped to make some great connections with multiple women of New Hope to establish much needed relationships between godly women.

It's not been easy, by any means, but it has been an incredible blessing and honor for me to have served as the leader of a great team of women who have a deep desire to reach the women of New Hope and our surrounding community in a way that is unique to women.  I feel I have grown, too, in my faith and in my walk with God and have learned so much from each one of you that I have come in contact with and have served with.

This past September, I felt God had released me from this leadership role and that it was time for a new woman to lead, but who? and how? and when?
were all new questions I was looking to God to answer.  The "when" became clearer as my mother's illness progressed and my strong desire and need to be with her and care for her kept me from focusing on my responsibilities as a leader of the Women of Hope.  Then I began to get the "who" and "how"
in counsel with Lynn Burgess and Jill Crowe and seeking God along with the other women on the leadership team.

From there, Michelle Cox has stepped up as the interim leader with humility and grace and a great capacity for administration.  I am so grateful for her and for Donna Heydrick, Carol Huyck, and Crystal Thompson who have so compassionately given me the ability to step back from my leadership responsibilities so that I might concentrate more on my ministry to my husband, children and my mother at this time.  On top of that, I am so excited for what this team is now empowered to do; God has done so much through them and in them in the last several months that is magical to watch!

I am still planning on being around, mentoring these women and leading the Women Only Home Team, and Lord willing, I will be attending the April retreat at Sky Ranch (I'm really looking forward to that!).  My heart and my passion for women has not's just my role that has changed a bit.

I challenge each of you to consider what God is leading you to do, where He's leading you to go, and who He's leading you to reach out to in 2012 and to watch and listen for Him to give you what you need when you need it to do what He's calling you to do.  And I pray our Father's blessing is poured out on you and your precious families.

Humbly yours,

Wendie Beddingfield

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