One of the most difficult parts of a woman's nature to control is her tongue. Once we get lying out of the way, filthy language removed from our vocabulary, and name-calling tackled and eradicated, we think we have it tamed. However, women, in general, still like to talk, and some of the most interesting conversation can include a thing called gossip. Unfortunately, many of us do not even realize that we are spreading it or allowing another person to share it with us.
Gossip is, by definition, idle talk or rumors about others--it can even be a factual report of an intimate or private nature.
Here's what the Bible says about the subject starting with one from Leviticus 19:
"Do not spread slanderous gossip among your people." (Leviticus 19:16)
"A troublemaker plants seeds of strife; gossip separates the best of friends." (Proverbs 16:28)
"A gossip tells secrets, so don't hang around with someone who talks too much." (Proverbs 20:19)
Okay, we must first become aware that we are doing it before we can stop, so think, when you are talking with a friend, what are you saying and who are you talking about. Are you praising them or are you sharing something they told you in confidence or something they experienced that might be embarrassing to that person. Once you are aware you are doing it, it is much easier to stop and check yourself before you say anything. If you start to let something slip, just stop right there and say something like, "Oh, I shouldn't be talking about her/him--please forgive me," and immediately change the subject.
Also, we must be careful not to take part in someone else sharing gossip. One thing that has worked for me is to quickly interrupt and politely ask if my friend if she should be sharing that information. If she does not d, I just explain what I am trying to avoid and consider changing the subject. This way you can begin to gossip less and less and your friends soon realize that gossip is no longer a part of your conversations. I encourage you today to consider what you say and listen to as you go about your day and continue to tame the tongue by eliminating gossip from your conversations.
by Wendie Beddingfield
picture by sanja gjenero
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