While I'm waiting for the delivery of yummy Mr. Jim's pizza (my husband's favorite), I wanted to send a "shout out" to all our wonderful women at New Hope who stepped in to help usher this morning for both services. You gals rock!
The one morning of the year the Women of Hope steps in to relieve our men of their regular responsibility of ushering, we had 19-20 different women step in to hand out bulletins (which were advertising, by the way, our quarterly luncheon next Sunday after 2nd service), help seat our guests and take up the offering after listening to a great sermon by Doug Fike. If you weren't there, you will want to check out the podcast on http://newhopechristian.org.
Thanks to each of you who stepped in especially when we had 3 women of our leadership team out of commission today! I love how you are willing to be stretched into whatever is needed, whenever--love it!!!
As we remember and/or spend time with our fathers, husbands, friends, let us remember how God is also our heavenly Father who is the best Daddy, ever!
See you next Sunday at 12:30pm! (Childcare is available--if you need it, please let us know!--leave a comment or e-mail me at wendie@teuton.org)
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