Embracing God's Design for Sexuality
by Kay Arthur
Daily we're confronted with messages that say,
subtly and not so subtly,
"Sex sizzles."
"Sex outside of marriage is OK."
"Everybody's doing it."
"No one will ever know."
"Your body is more important than your character."
How's a woman to live?
From the beginning of time, our sexuality and distinctiveness
as women has been front and center with God. We are designer goods, designed by God, no less! And when it comes to our sexuality, He has much to say to us. Kay writes from the perspective of one who has experienced God's grace and
voices heartfelt concern for a sex-saturated society that has
forgotten how to blush.
This interactive Bible study is an honest, redemptive call to
recognize and return to God's standards for purity. Her
straightforward lessons from Scripture focus on love, sex
in marriage, purity, modesty, and examples of how men and
women should relate to each other. These timely messages
are for women, whether married or single, mother or daughter.
as women has been front and center with God. We are designer goods, designed by God, no less! And when it comes to our sexuality, He has much to say to us. Kay writes from the perspective of one who has experienced God's grace and
voices heartfelt concern for a sex-saturated society that has
forgotten how to blush.
This interactive Bible study is an honest, redemptive call to
recognize and return to God's standards for purity. Her
straightforward lessons from Scripture focus on love, sex
in marriage, purity, modesty, and examples of how men and
women should relate to each other. These timely messages
are for women, whether married or single, mother or daughter.
The Virtuous Woman:
Led by: Wendie Beddingfield
Wednesdays at 7:15PM every-other Wednesday beginning January 27, 2010 (looking for host home)
Fridays at 9:30AM every-other Friday beginning January 22, 2010
Length: 6 weeks (spread over 12 weeks) DVD & workbook
Cost: $15.00
Shattering the Superwoman Myth
by Vicki Courtney
Explores Proverbs 31, revealing the heart and character of a godly woman and showing how to become a woman o f worth, wisdom, and purpose. This Everyday Discipleship resource provides six weeks of personal study with guidance for weekly small-group sessions.
Reading this passage can induce more guilt than eating a one Pound bag of M&Ms. Common side effects include uncontrollable laughter, fatigue, shortness of breath, feelings of inadequacy, depression, and an irrepressible desire to pop this lady upside the head should
you ever meet her. Read at your own risk!
If that’s how you view Proverbs 31, you are probably not alone. Vicki Courtney, founder of Virtuous Reality Ministries, would have taken the same stand until her studies lead her to the realization that the Bible passage refers not to one actual woman, but is rather a compilation of qualities that make up a virtuous woman.
"Whew, what a relief!"
Wednesdays at 7:15PM beginning January 20, 2010 (at the home of Kim Lewis)
Length: 6 weeks
Cost: $12.00
by Elizabeth GeorgeA Woman After God's
Own Heart
Adapted from the bestselling book by the same title, A Woman After God's Own Heart Bible study workbook teaches you how to develop a heart for God and His Word, for prayer and personal discipline...PLUS how to develop a heart of love for your husband, your children, your friends and others! You'll discover a new passion for living through the power of prayer and God's Word! Five lessons per week for 10 weeks are to be done individually and then shared with your group.
Excerpt from study:Led by: Michelle Cox Tuesdays at 10AM beginning January 19, 2010 (location tbd)
"God wants my heart - all of it - and my devotion. When I choose to give it
to Him, when I choose to live totally for Him, He makes it count. He wants
to be Number One in my life, the priority above all priorities."
Length: 10 weeks (DVD & workbook)
Cost: $14.00
For registration and more information, please contact Deborah Yates, Women of Hope Bible study coordinator, at dky5784@hughes.net or 903-776-2530.
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