Every Thursday at 10:30am, we women get together to worship and pray and share our lives with one another. We'd be pleased to have as many women as are able and interested to join us--even if it's just one time--you will not regret taking time out to pray and worship with us.
We are generally finished at noon.
We meet at the home of Rita Armenta: 2504 Royal Oaks, Plano, TX
(click on above link or call Rita at 214-923-1613 for directions if needed)
E-mail Wendie (wendie@teuton.org) with any questions.
Also, a new Bible study is going to start on Wednesday, September 14th, and one starts on Tuesday, September 20th: the Life Ready Woman by Shaunti Feldhaun and Robert Lewis (Shaunti is also the author of For Women Only)

We'll meet every Tuesday or Wednesday night (you choose) for 9 weeks going through this video-based Bible study that includes optional outside reading from the companion book to go deeper.
You can click on The Life Ready Woman to get more information on the study, and you can view the first video session here: Session 1
The cost of the workbook is $16.00, and if you would also like to purchase the companion paperback book, the total would be $27.00. If you think you'd like to join us, please e-mail Wendie (wendie@teuton.org) or call 469-751-3539.
- Tuesday group led by Donna Heydrick at the home of Wendy Dean.
- Wednesday group led by Wendie Beddingfield at the home of Lorraine Seawright.
The Wednesday night group is going on right now, so if you're looking for a women's home team, please feel free to visit any time, even before the study gets started. Our group is focused primarily on women's gender-specific issues and women's Bible studies. You can also check out all the different home teams that are meeting by going to the new AccessACS site and selecting the available small groups category.
And ladies, don't forget to sign up to volunteer at the Summer Backyard Bash and/or invite your friends and neighbors to come hang out with us on September 4th starting at 11am! You can click on AccessACS and choose the available serving opportunities option to see the different areas you can help at the Bash. See you there!