Women of Hope
Life Skills Groups!
2nd Group is Saving Money Through Coupons
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010 from 10:00-11:30am
If you've never tried couponing, not had much success, need a little motivation or want to help encourage women to make God's dollars go farther, you're invited to join this new group led by Stephanie Bush.
Location: New Hope
Please register via e-mail to Stephanie at
beansmommy30@gmail.com or call 214-629-3254.
3rd Group is Basic Sewing
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 10am
If you already know how to sew and would like to help teach some very basic techniques, encourage others to learn your craft or if you've never picked up a needle and thread, you are welcome to come try your hand at this timeless skill/craft.
Location: TBD
Please register via e-mail to Marge King at
dandmking@verizon.net or call 972-475-8093.
More to come!
If you have a skill or hobby you'd like to share/teach or one you'd really like to learn, please leave your comments after this post.